PW Certified - Proven Winners Garden Center Certification Program

Where can you see us.

Grower Campaign:

The Complete Package will make you more money guaranteed.  We've had it tested and 4 out of 5 times the consumer chose the branded container over the generic.  If you would like to conduct your own test this season, we are offering one free case of containers and trays.


Plant Variety Ads - Based on consumer feedback, surverys, plant trails, and sales we know what customer will be coming back for and what their favorites are for 2011.  Here are a some of their favorites:




 ColorChoice Flowering Shrubs




Also advertising in Landscape Trades not shown above.

I saw your ads in MidWest Living last year. I sent for the planning book. It was beautiful! I looked for the closest dealer in Proven Winners and took the book with me to Falls Florist in Black River Falls, WI. I used your patterns and purchased plants (planting was offered there - going home with pots already filled!). My containers were the envy of all my girlfriends! I will be doing all containers with Proven Winners again this year. Deborah S. (WI)