PW Certified - Proven Winners Garden Center Certification Program

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Consumer Advertising Results

Gardeners Recognize Proven Winners

Gardener's Idea Book

The word is out but, even more importantly, the numbers are in and the numbers really tell the story that Proven Winners marketing is getting attention. And media attention for Proven Winners means exposure for our garden center partners. Just what do the numbers say? See for yourself.

National Consumer Advertising

Back Yard
Back Yard
Better Homes and Gardens
Better Homes and Gardens
Circulation: 7.8 million
Canadian Gardening
Canadian Gardening
Circulation: 2.19 million
Responses: 9,801
Container Gardening (Fine Gardening SIP)
Container Gardening (Fine Gardening SIP)
Responses: 3,171
Country Gardens
Country Gardens
Country Living
Country Living
Responses: 20,674
Gardening & Deck Design (Womans Day SIP)
Gardening & Deck Design (Womans Day SIP)
Responses: 894
Gardening Basics
Gardening Basics
Gardening How-To
Gardening How-To
Circulation: 675,000
Responses: 616
Good Housekeeping
Good Housekeeping
Martha Stewart Living
Martha Stewart Living
Circulation: 1.8 million
Responses: 25,728
Midwest Living
Midwest Living
Circulation: 990,000
Responses: 16,415
Northern Gardener
Northern Gardener
Responses: 262
Plante, Fleurs et Jardins
Plante, Fleurs et Jardins
Southern Living
Southern Living
Circulation: 2.8 million
Responses: 22,102
Sunset Magazine
Sunset Magazine
Circulation: 698,000

National ColorChoice™ Advertising

Better Homes and Gardens
Better Homes and Gardens
Circulation: 7.8 million
Canadian Gardening
Canadian Gardening
Circulation: 2.19 million
Chicagoland Gardening
Chicagoland Gardening
Country Living
Country Living
Gardening How-To
Gardening How-To
Circulation: 675,000
Martha Stewart Living
Martha Stewart Living
Circulation: 1.8 million
Midwest Living
Midwest Living
Circulation: 990,000
Plante, Fleurs et Jardins
Plante, Fleurs et Jardins
Northern Gardener
Northern Gardener
Southern Living
Southern Living
Circulation: 2.8 million

Winners Circle Signups by State - 63,560 (91.59%) from 07/01/2009 to 06/30/2010

Click on the state for a more detailed map.

Winners Circle Signups By Province - 5,840 (8.41%) from 07/01/2009 to 06/30/2010

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your product, it always out performs all other brands, garners the most compliments and is tested, tried and true. I work as a merchandiser for a greenhouse who supplies big box stores and independent florists and garden centers and I can testify that Proven Winners branded plants outsells ALL other annuals that we carry! (sadly even those that we grow in our own greenhouses) When I'm in the field daily I train my customers to look for The Proven Winners brand for container gardens as well as for bedding areas. NOTHING is comparable to Proven Winners. Proven Winners brand,a dose of fertilizer and one's window box or container is lush & spilling over the sides and full in 3 weeks! Muffy S. - MI