PW Certified - Proven Winners Garden Center Certification Program
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We really have a good tale to tell. We attended the Roadshow when it came to Seattle. Though some of our employees were dubious, we all made the trek over the water, across the Sound by ferry, from The Kitsap Penninsula to check it out. We had a great time. We learned alot and were already exchanging ideas on the ride home. We planned a series of promos for the months of May - July. The promos run 2 weeks at a time. We combined shrubs and perennials with annuals in wonderful combinations. We promoted it in our monthly newsletter and in our E-mail. It really took alot of coordination on the part of the program designer, Jean-Marie Dekoster. She coordinated with the Greenhouse grower, outside vendors, the Shrub buyer, the Container designer, the Annual buyer,the Marketing coordinator and of course, Proven Winners for POP. Timing is of the essence, and there are some tricky issues, but the customers seem to be enjoying it. We sell out of alot of the products and many are coming back to see what the next featured plants will be. It also showed us how to work as a team to achieve our goals. Can't wait for the next show in our area. We'll see you there! Terri Mitchell